TMF Programme
Together, Moving Forward programme
Since 2016, the Together, Moving Forward [TMF] programme provides ESU the vehicle to support student-led actions around Europe aimed at breaking educational and societal barriers, and to amplify the voice of students advocating for an inclusive, open-minded and educated society.
Through the programme, we want to inspire a change and...
- Inspire student-led initiatives addressing refugees’ and asylum seekers’ living conditions and not least their access to education;
- Reshape public discourse around forced migration and confront hate speech in our societies;
- Build capacity for students to be more responsive to issues related to forced migration, focusing on social inclusion and access to education;
- Empower National Student Unions to promote and advocate for clear policies that ease the access of refugees and asylum seekers to Higher Education;
- Open up to new student groups and other stakeholders active on refugee issues, especially education;
Build long-lasting links between newcomers, and student communities.
Small grants for local projects on initiatives
Once or twice a year, we publish open call for projects to propose small grants to youth and students led groups. With a maximum of 10.000 euros, we hope to encourage students to develop their own ideas supporting access to education and social inclusion of young people with refugee background in their local communities.
Events and volunteering opportunities
Implementing a project is good, but it’s not the only possibility of being an active citizen!
Depending on the programme priorities, we often organise training seminars where students and youth will share experiences and knowledge while developing skills such as project management, public speaking, team building, etc. We also often look for volunteers to join us on specific missions, where the diversity of opinions and origins are always more than welcomed!
Based on the experience gathered from the small projects supported by the TMF funds and the discussions we have in the different activities and events we organise and attend, we are able to build the ESU positions on topics such as social inclusion, access to education for refugee and migrant students, recognition of qualification, etc.